Imago, a solo exhibition by Jennifer Lara White was presented at by Kudos at Join the Dots Gallery in 2023. It featured installation, video and sculptural works which articulate psychological theories of memory and identity.

an unconscious idealised mental image of someone, especially a parent, which influences a person's behaviour.

imago -

in me i see you; in you i see me; imago

two-way mirror constructed from mirrored film, found glass, timber.

Join The Dots Gallery, 2023.

one million fruit trees

archival film, video loop projected on fabric.

Join The Dots Gallery, 2023.

"[the imago] situates the agency of the ego, before its social determination, in a fictional direction, which will always remain irreducible for the individual alone, or rather, which will only rejoin the coming-into-being (le devenir) of the subject asymptomatically"

- Jacques Lacan